The Maelstrom's Edge Kickstarter is finished!

It's been a long and bumpy rollercoaster ride for all the people at Spiral Arm Studios who've been working on the Maelstrom's Edge project over the course of our 41-day Kickstarter, but we finished with an amazing 813 backers for a combined total of $70,105 raised!

We added loads of content to the $90 sweet spot pledge over the last few weeks, and hit several of the stretch goals we really wanted to hit - getting the funding to record 4 more audiobooks (likely to be 2 by Stephen Gaskell and 2 by me) at $55k, and getting through $60k is really great as it means the larger models like the Hunter and Angel get their own custom-made bases, which is really important to me as a modeller as I can convert more great poses.

And literally 1 minute before the end we got to the $70k stretch goal where all backers get free digital copies of my first novel (co-written with Stephen), Maelstrom's Edge: Faith. It would be really exciting to have more people reading it!

Writing for Maelstrom's Edge has been a blast and the money we've raised ensures we have the best possible launch product we can, and also helps us begin planning for the design of future content - new units, new factions and new novels - exciting times!

Some Maelstrom's Edge short stories!

We're halfway through the Maelstrom's Edge Kickstarter and things are going well - nearly twice our initial target already! We're hoping that over the next three weeks we can raise a bit more to reach some stretch goals and add better value to the boxset - the free terrain sprue at £45k and the new base sprue for the Hunter and Spider robots at £60k would be awesome. Every bit we raise is going back into the project to invest in the next set of models, not just for the Epirians and Karists but also for the three more factions in development. 

As part of the Kickstarter updates, we've been releasing short stories set in the Maelstrom's Edge universe, by me and my fellow Lead Writer Stephen Gaskell. As well as an audiobook of Stephen's story 'Transit', there have been three of my short story released so far. 

In the most recent update, we see how the Scarecrow  patrol bot for the Epirian Foundation defends its territory from intruders. When a naive young Karist priest decides a rural farm is an ideal location to steal resources, he doesn't plan for the Scarecrow keeping watch over the buildings. This is one of the first stories we wrote when designing the universe, and it's a nice short intro to our new unit. The Scarecrow is amazingly poseable with every limb having complete freedom and I'm very excited to get my hands on the sprue! 

A few days ago we shared another story showcasing an Epirian robot, in this case the heavier-duty Hunter warmech. Hunters are specifically designed for combat, unlike the smaller robots in the box set, which are adapted for battle from civilian designs (the Scarecrow was originally a crop duster, for example). This short story was written during the Kickstarter itself, and takes place during events of the second novel, Maelstrom's Edge: Sacrifice, where the Karist Enclave has launched a full-scale offensive on the city of Pike's Basin. A Epirian Handler has left his bots on patrol whilst he sneaks off to be with his girl, and is left to rely on two Hunters to save the train depot he's supposed to be protecting. Canny readers will spot that this story explains why the characters in the novels later use the trains to get where they need to go!

The Shipyard was another early story I wrote at the beginning of the project, showcasing the way an Epirian Handler interacts with her bots, as well as teasing a few details of the Broken, one of our future factions. Like the Scarecrow, The Shipyard is set after the events of the novels, when conflict between the factions has erupted into the open. We're looking forward to exploring this timeline more as things progress.

There'll be more stories to come over the course of the Maelstrom's Edge Kickstarter! Hope you enjoy reading them!

The Maelstrom's Edge Kickstarter is live!

So after three and half years hard work in our spare time, the Maelstrom's Edge project has finally seen the light of day on Kickstarter - see the video below to see what we've been working on!

Maelstrom's Edge is something I'm very proud of - not just the two novels but also the background, models and game - Jon Regul has done a tremendous job writing a really clean and concise skirmish ruleset which is a lot of fun to play, and the multipart plastics are a job to build, convert and paint. Everything is very close to finished so the time to delivery after the Kickstarter finishes should be much quicker than for many projects - we hope to deliver before the end of the year. 


Now the long road of development is nearly over and all that's left to do is watch what happens - it's both exciting and extremely nervewracking!